Sunday, April 26, 2009

Looking for a Short-tailed hawk

This dragonfly was next to me most of the time. I'm not sure of the name.
Does anyone know?

I went out birding in search of a Short-tailed Hawk, that was close enough to photograph.
The place I choose was on the north end of West lake of Anne Kolb Nature Center right on East Dania Beach blvd. There weren't many birds flying there. Needless to say, no Short-tails. I've seen them in this area before, when I bird from Anne Kolb Nature Center at the observation lookout on the lake.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A slow day at Anne Kolb

The dive
Submerged Floundering The reward!!
A cool sight to see!

Today was very slow warbler wise, 1 Black throated blue eating a fig. The two raccoons were in the tree though. A total of 30 species. The highlights of the day was a Short-tailed hawk dive bombing an Osprey, And an Osprey went completely under water to get a fish. And yes, the Osprey did get the fish.

Smooth-billed Ani didn't show

I spent a few hours late yesterday afternoon(4pm-6pm) on Old Griffin rd. near the '800' building looking for the Smooth-billed. It was a no-show.
I think I'll spend some time at Anne Kolb today. I'll post today's sightings.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Swallow-tailed Kite!!

Halloween Pennant
Swallow-tailed Kite at Anne Kolb Nature Center April 22, 2009

It was a good day for warblers - Black throated blue, Parula, Cape May,Blackpoll all in one Ficus tree eating the figs; joined by two raccoons late in the day.
The highlight of the day was a Swallow-tailed Kite!!
I was at the end shelter on the Lake Observation Trail. It was the first for me at this park. For the day I saw 42 species. I ended up with nearly 400 photos mostly warblers.
There were over 100 Halloween Pennants around the grass on the west side of the parking lot, a really cool sight to see all these skimmers(dragonfly) together.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Another full day of birding

I biked over to Anne Kolb Nature Center yesterday. On the way I stopped at Publux to pick up something for lunch. I arrived at the park around 8:30am. I checked the usual warbler spots (Bushes and trees on the west side of the parking lot, around the entrance to the mudflat trail, and all along the brush to the dumpster area). The only birds I saw at these spots were a Prairie warbler and a Black-whiskered Vireo. Another place that may have some warbler action is the trees on the south side of the little bridge heading toward the park office & exhibit hall. I took the lake observation trail to the end look out, spent most of the day in the shadow and cool breeze.
I saw a total of 36 species at the nature center today. I few families and my self had some great looks at an Osprey and a Kingfisher (probably a female).
I finally packed up and left after 5pm.

In search of a Smooth-billed Ani

On Saturday afternoon...
I bicycled up to Old Griffin Rd. hoping that I would get some photos of the smooth-billed Ani. I didn't have any luck founding one. I scanned across the canal around the power structures, searched the vegetation on the south side of the canal and pedaled around 'building 800'.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A day of birding at Anne Kolb Nature Center

Blue Dasher(?)
Cape May Warbler
Black-whiskered Vireo

Yesterday I spent the day birding at Anne Kolb Nature Center. I had a nice list of birds, about 45 species. I watched a peregrine eat on the wing, not sure what it was; a blue jack(adult male merlin) buzz the treetops, nice views of Cape May Warbler and Black-whiskered Vireo.
I meet a couple Broward college students that were working on a eco project. They needed to see a few select birds(Osprey,turkey vulture, a couple species of herons). As usual, birds were there before and after they were there.